Alarab foods presents
👉A special Talbeena made with over 15 herbs and dry fruits for ,*people above 50 years of age*…..
👉Rich in all vitamins, proteins, calcium, magnesium & iron, which are essential for the *elderly people*……
👉Very beneficial for diabetes and heart patients…..
👉Strengthens your immunity by eliminating *age-related fatigue*….
👉Strengthens bones and muscles…..
*👉TALBEENA OVER AGE PARENTS* can also be used as a healthy breakfast…….
👉Made from *100%* natural & healthy ingredients…..
*How To Use*……..
👉 Add 2 to 3 table spoons of *TALBEENA OVER AGE PARENTS* in a glass of
warm milk…mix it well…
Add honey to taste & use it…….